Monday, 26 November 2007

A little risky business

Editor’s Note: NW's editor has been subscribing to The Economist for nearly ten years. The newspaper has written other pieces on nanotechnology. Some may require subscription, which this editor highly recommends.

The risk in nanotechnology

Nov 22nd 2007
From The Economist print edition (please use link to see chart and illustration by Bill Butcher)

The unusual properties of tiny particles contain huge promise. But nobody knows how safe they are. And too few people are trying to find out

WAVING a packet of carbon nanotubes accusingly at the assembled American politicians during a hearing last month in Congress, Andrew Maynard was determined to make a point. The nanotechnology expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars in Washington, DC, had bought the tiny tubes on the internet. They had arrived in the post along with a safety sheet describing them as graphite and thus requiring no special precautions beyond those needed for a nuisance dust.

Dr Maynard's theatrics were designed to draw attention to a growing concern about the safety of nanotechnology. The advice he had received was at best uncertain, and at worst breathtakingly negligent. For a start, describing carbon nanotubes as graphite was rather like describing a lump of coal as a diamond. Graphite is made of carbon, just like the nanotubes, although the tubes themselves are about 1m times smaller than the graphite that makes up the “lead” in a pencil. Carbon nanotubes may be perfectly safe, but then again, they may have asbestos-like properties. Nobody knows. Indeed, industry, regulators and governments know little about the general safety of all manner of materials that are made into fantastically small sizes.

This lack of knowledge is so great that research can paradoxically add to the problem. Vicki Colvin, a professor of chemistry at Rice University in Texas and one of the world's leading experts in nanotechnology-risk research, told the same hearing: “If you fund five teams to understand nanotube toxicity, and they get five different answers, your research investment hurts you, because it creates uncertainty. The bad news is that we have way over five different opinions about carbon-nanotube toxicity right now.”

In the past few years the number of consumer products claiming to use nanotechnology has dramatically grown—to almost 600 by one count. Patents are rapidly being filed (see chart 1). For a product to count as nanotechnology, it does not need to contain a tiny machine—though some seers imagine that as the field's ultimate aim. It is enough merely for some of the material to have been tinkered with at a small scale. Often that can involve grinding down a substance into particles that may be only a few nanometres big—a nanometre is a billionth of a metre—about 100,000th of the thickness of a sheet of paper. These particles can also be engineered into shapes that provide some functional property, like rigidity. The variety of shapes includes rings, shells, wires, beads, cages and plates. The particles and shapes can also be incorporated into other materials to bestow useful properties on them.

Honey, I shrunk the silver

Some nanotechnology products are applied directly to the skin, as cosmetics and sunscreens. Titanium dioxide is commonly used as the white pigment in sunscreen. When it is ground into nanoparticles it can still block harmful ultraviolet radiation, but it allows visible light to pass straight though, which means modern sunscreens can appear completely transparent, while offering the same protection as the old white stuff.

Many products are now embedded with silver nanoparticles. At such small sizes, silver can have antimicrobial properties. Silver nanoparticles may come in handy wherever you want to kill germs—for instance, in things as diverse as children's dummies (comforters to Americans), teddy bears, washing machines, chopsticks and bed linen. Hence nanotechnology can be used in food production, most often as nanoparticles of silver in food-preparation equipment. The food industry is also trying to restructure ingredients at the nanoscale so as to include particles of trace metals in food supplements and to produce less-fattening foods.

All that sounds alarming, but assessing the risks calls for perspective. Humans are already surrounded by nanoparticles of one sort or another. Much of the food people eat is made of naturally occurring nanoscaled components. Each person breathes in at least 10m nanoparticles a minute. Most of them do no harm.

The trouble is that some—such as the particles from a diesel-engine exhaust—are known to cause serious health problems. Moreover, despite hundreds of years of experience in chemistry, it is not easy to predict how a substance will behave when it is made extremely small. That means, you cannot be sure how it will affect health.

Nanoparticulate versions of a material can act in novel ways—indeed, as with silver, that is what makes them so useful. When they are very, very small, materials, such as copper, that are soft can become hard. Materials, such as gold, that would not react to other substances become reactive. And when they have been shrunk, materials, such as carbon, that are perfectly safe might become unsafe. Plenty of research suggests that nanoparticles of harmless substances can become exceptionally dangerous.

One reason for this change is that a tiny thing has a large surface area relative to its mass. Atoms on the surface of a material are generally more reactive than those inside (which is why powders dissolve more quickly than solids do). Half of the atoms in a five-nanometre particle are on its surface, which can make it many times more toxic than expected by weight alone. Nanoparticles are small enough to be transported into the human body more easily and into the environment in new ways.

Research on animals suggests that nanoparticles can even evade some of the body's natural defence systems and accumulate in the brain, cells, blood and nerves. Studies show there is the potential for such materials to cause pulmonary inflammation; to move from the lungs to other organs; to have surprising biological toxicity; to move from within the skin to the lymphatic system; and possibly to move across cell membranes. Moreover, these effects vary when particles are engineered into different shapes. There is currently no way of knowing how each shape will behave, except by experiment.

Britain's Royal Society was concerned enough about all this to recommend in 2004 that nanoparticles be treated as entirely new substances. The European Commission concluded that each new material should be assessed on a “case by case basis”. However, understanding the environmental, health and safety (collectively known as EHS) risks is difficult.

Many governments take the view that, in terms of product-safety, nanotechnology changes nothing. The responsibility for managing EHS risk remains with companies themselves. Firms must make sure that the goods they produce are safe for consumers, that their workers are healthy and that their factories and products do not cause damage to the environment. On the whole, that is the right approach in a market economy, but the uncertainties make it hopelessly over-optimistic for nanoparticulates.

In the absence of any firm guidance from governments as to exactly what tests are needed to ensure a product is safe, businesses are devising their own. Michael Holman, an analyst with Lux Research, an emerging-technology consultancy based in New York, says that larger companies can probably cope with the research because they are more familiar with the risks of liability and regulation. But the task is beyond some small companies. “We talk to them and they say they are just doing titanium dioxide and they are not concerned, because it is a safe material, and we think they're whistling to the graveyard on EHS risks,” he says.

The analysts at Lux reckon that the applications that are likely to cause most (real and perceived) concern are those intended to go into or onto the body: cosmetics, food additives, pharmaceutical-delivery systems, novel therapeutics and textile coatings and treatments. But Lux says there is also a lot of uncertainty over what happens to these substances at the end of their lives. Carbon nanotubes have been used for years in industry. They have been embedded in materials like plastics to increase their toughness and provide electrical conductivity for components that are electrostatically painted. But it remains unknown, for instance, if they can enter groundwater when the products that contain them are dumped or broken up.

Businesses have good reason to make safe products. But the temptation for a company, especially a small one, is to spend its precious research budget on new products rather than basic investigations into the safety of nanotechnology that would benefit everyone, including its competitors. The risks may end up being carried by insurers. However, Swiss Re, one of the biggest insurers and one that has taken an early interest in nanotechnology, reckons insurers are not yet fully able to assess the risks. At the moment, firms with product-liability insurance are implicitly insured for their nanoparticles.

One hope is that the insurers will demand more certainty. Another, given the fundamental principles that have still to be established, is that some of the money governments are pouring into nanotechnology (see chart 2) will be diverted into the basic safety research the technology needs to thrive.

Patchy, at best

Although scientists' favourite alarm call is that “more research is necessary”, the extent and the frequency of their cry suggests that in nanotechnology they may be right. The Nanotechnology Industries Association, a British trade body for companies operating in the field, wants better co-ordination in the way that money is spent on nanotechnology-risk research. According to Steffi Friedrichs, the association's director, “current research projects and their results are patchy to say the least.” Research tends to be in areas that interest scientists, rather than what would be most useful for industry as a whole let alone the protection of consumers. For several years there have been complaints about a lack of organisation and leadership.

Earlier this year the Council for Science and Technology, which advises the British government, warned that progress on risk research into the toxicology, health and environmental effects of nanomaterials was far slower than promised. It said there was a “pressing need” for a strategic programme of spending.

It is much the same story in America, where the co-ordination and planning of risk research is also taking years longer than anyone would have imagined. This has frustrated Brian Baird, the chairman of one of Congress's science committees. On October 31st he told the government's National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), that it was not acceptable that its EHS strategy, and its implementation plan, had not materialised some 18 months after it was due. Simple prudence, he said, suggests urgency in making sure that the work catches up with, or even surpasses, the pace of commercialisation.

America already spends the most on EHS research into nanotechnology. Depending on who does the counting, it ranges from $11m to $60m. But of the larger, government-claimed figure, nobody is able to say precisely what this money is buying. Whatever the actual figure, Dr Maynard, waver of the carbon nanotubes in Congress, says that at least $100m per year is needed in the next few years to finance research into just some of the basic questions. Along with a number of other leading scientists, he published a paper in the journal Nature last year that outlined the sort of research programme needed to put the understanding of nanotechnology risk onto a sounder footing.

What are the most important things such a programme could produce? Dr Maynard says he would like to see ways of measuring exposure to nanoparticles in the air and water; a method of getting a rough idea of what the toxicity of a nanoparticle might be, ideally with some quick and basic tests that could inform scientists and businesses of the most promising (and safest) routes to pursue; and guidelines for how to work safely with nanoparticles, including clearing up spills and managing waste.

This does not sound like much to ask, but it is a long way from happening. In America some scientists worry about a conflict of interest at the NNI—because it must both promote nanotechnology and mitigate its risks. In fact inertia is more likely to spring from the NNI's need to get 23 government agencies to agree on a research agenda. Clayton Teague, the head of the NNI, has no authority to twist arms.

This increases uncertainty over the safety of nanotechnology and makes the question of whether more regulation is needed a tricky one. Today's legislation is based on an ability to measure and monitor materials, and calculate risk. In Europe legislators have concluded that, although nanomaterials are covered by existing rules, this will not amount to much unless you have a way to identify hazards and evaluate risks.

Terry Davies, a fellow at Resources for the Future, an economics think-tank based in Washington, DC, and a former assistant administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency, says that American legislation, such as that for clean air and water, is based entirely on standards and the ability to monitor them. “We don't have a clue what kind of standards there are for nanoparticles in air or water,” he says. Some sampling of airborne particles is done, but it is still not clear what should be monitored. And in water there is no ability to monitor the presence of nanomaterials. Even if these things could be measured, he adds, nobody knows how to control them.

Weighing the smallest

Managing the risks in nanotechnology is a massive undertaking that will take years to develop and it requires careful planning and co-ordination, says Dr Colvin. It will also depend on scientists from around the world working together. They could start by agreeing on a common form of terminology and some basic skills and tools, such as how to measure nanomaterials, characterise them and ensure their purity. At the moment it is virtually impossible to weigh a ten nanometre-sized particle with any accuracy. All this work is being co-ordinated via the International Standards Organisation in Geneva, and presumably one day it will happen.

Meanwhile, nanotechnology is becoming part of the global economy. It could help produce trillions of dollars of products by 2014, ranging from face creams to computer chips and car panels, according to Lux Research. The risks from these products will often be very low or non-existent. In the computer industry, for instance, making smaller and smaller features on the surface of a chip is not likely to involve much risk to computer users. Motorists probably have little to fear from carbon nanotubes being embedded into a car door to make it more crash-resistant. Yet what happens to such products at the end of their life remains a question.

At the same time, nobody wants to stifle the innovation and potential benefits that nanotechnology promises. Ultra-small particles that are able to enter the brain might be used to deliver treatments for brain diseases. Nanomaterials also offer huge potential for making better batteries, generating green energy and producing clean water. It is little wonder that governments have been falling over themselves to put money into nanotechnology research. Slower to arrive has been the leadership and funding to do the necessary risk research, and to make sure that existing agencies can regulate a large, new, poorly understood area of risk. Mihail Roco, a senior adviser at America's National Science Foundation and one of the architects of the NNI, wrote earlier this year that nanotechnology research and development has advanced faster than the capacity of regulators to assess its social and environmental impact.

Scientists do not mean that nanoparticles are inherently unsafe, only that there is a yawning gap in understanding their effects. Yet safety legislation cannot be expected to work until the products of the technology are better understood. What does it mean to regulate nanotechnology materials when you cannot even measure their release into the environment or agree on how to weigh a nanoparticle?

In the longer term, researchers think that they will be able to devise a framework for understanding nanoparticles and predicting which will be hazardous before they are ever made. That would allow science, technology and business to focus on the materials that are most likely to be beneficial and profitable. It would be a huge prize, because it would enable the development of nanotechnology while guarding against a big health scare or environmental disaster. If, in the aftermath of an accident, the public discovered that scientists are unsure about a wide range of nanotechnology, it would wreck the development of potentially valuable and safe new products.

Had Dr Maynard's bag split wide open in Congress, scattering his carbon nanotubes into the air, would any harm have been caused? Probably not. But, as an answer, “probably” is not good enough.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Conference announcement: Nanotechnology: Towards Reducing Animal Testing

Institute of Nanotechnology

Animal testing is costly and there is a great deal of research on finding viable and effective alternatives (new methods that refine existing tests by minimizing animal distress, reducing animal usage, or replacing whole animal tests). Despite large reductions in animal testing since the early 1980s due to improved in vitro methods, levels remain high (over 3 million procedures in 2006) and results cannot always be extrapolated to humans.

The application of nanotechnology is currently revolutionizing medicine and this two-day conference, the first of its kind in Europe, will examine the role nanotechnology could also play in improving or refining the development of alternatives to animal testing whilst maintaining safety.

Themes will include:

· a review of some of the most promising human cell-based in vitro models

· novel lab-on-a-chip and bioreactor systems for screening, toxicology and targeting studies

· surface modification at the nanoscale to improve biosensors and in vitro test systems

· potential new strategies for applying nanotechnology to alternatives

· the role of the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM)

The conference will be of particular interest to those involved in:

· pharmaceutical, medical device and cosmetic development and testing

· environmental and food testing

· regulation

· organizations interested in the development of animal alternatives.

For online registration and payment visit

Further abstracts are welcomed for oral or poster presentations by 26 November 2007, please contact

Standard Delegate - £500; Academic/IoN Member - £450;
Exhibitor (incl. one delegate) - £750; Additional delegate - £350

Visit for regular updates on the event.

Fax to: 01786 447530 or contact Carrie Smith Tel: +44 (0)1786 447520

Registered charity no. SC 025709

Monday, 19 November 2007

AMD, Carl Zeiss, and Qimonda partner on semiconductor nanoanalysis

Small Times

Three companies -- AMD, Carl Zeiss SMT, and Qimonda -- are working together on new analytical and characterization methods required for the development of next-generation microchips. The work is being conducted within the framework of the Nanoanalysis Project, which the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has backed with 12 million Euros. This strengthens the competency of the newly founded Carl Zeiss Innovation Center Dresden, particularly in the fields of semiconductor analysis and metrology.

Dr. Wolf-Dieter Lukas, Head of the BMBF Department "Key Technologies -- Research for Innovations," the strategic setup and expansion of microelectronics competency centers is an important goal. "Only by setting targeted priorities in research funding will we succeed in maintaining Dresden's leading role in high-tech chip production and in further expanding it through such innovative approaches as here in the field of nanoanalysis."

The Carl Zeiss Innovation Center Dresden, an important part of the Nanoanalysis Project, offers ultrahigh resolution particle beam systems that use electron and ion beams instead of light. These systems enable the imaging, analysis and processing of specimens down to the level of individual atoms. In this way, they are playing a decisive role in the characterization of three-dimensional semiconductor structures and in the development of new materials for chip fabrication. "With its Innovation Center, Carl Zeiss SMT is becoming involved in 'Silicon Saxony,' Europe's leading microelectronics cluster. Not only is the cluster being strengthened in its function as a research location, but the ongoing development of the local semiconductor industry is also being promoted", said Dr. Dirk Stenkamp, Member of the Carl Zeiss SMT Board of Management.

"As a manufacturer of innovative microprocessors, we are faced with the challenge of producing increasingly complex structures with smaller and smaller dimensions and with maximum yield", says Dr. Udo Nothelfer, Vice President AMD Fab 36. "Therefore, process control at an atomic level plays a key role. Through our joint work in the Carl Zeiss Innovation Center Dresden, we have access to leading edge electron and ion microscopes and believe we can therefore further accelerate the introduction of new technologies. The experience gained in industrial utilization may be incorporated at an early stage in the development of future analytical systems."

Europe launches $8.8B (€6B) nanoelectronics R&D program

Small Times

November 13, 2007 -- MEDEA+, a Europeanwide collaborative research program centred on microelectronics, and part of the EUREKA project, has announced that CATRENE (Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe) is to be the follow-on program designed to take electronics into the nanoscale era.

The new program has two important novel features: the Lighthouse Project -- which will address major socioeconomic needs such as transportation, health care, security, energy and entertainment -- and a new structure that will focus on large application markets, identified in a roadmap of required technologies.

The MEDEA+ program supported 77 projects and the work resulted in important innovations within a number of areas, including automotive and traffic control, broadband communications, secure society, energy saving and health care. The new CATRENE public-private partnership aims to ensure the continued development of European expertise in semiconductor technology and applications.

Like MEDEA+ and its predecessors MEDEA and JESSI, the new program involves all the key actors in the value chain including those working with applications, technology and materials, as well as equipment suppliers. Industrial companies, both large and small, universities, and research institutes will take part with the support of public authorities.

"For more than a decade the EUREKA JESSI, MEDEA and MEDEA+ programs have made it possible for Europe's industry to reinforce its position in semiconductor process technology, manufacturing and applications to become a key supplier to markets such as telecommunications, consumer electronics and automotive electronics," said Jozef Cornu, MEDEA+ chairman and CATRENE chairman-elect.

The start date for CATRENE is scheduled for Jan. 1, 2008; it will last four years, extendable by another four years, and will operate under the auspices of the EUREKA program. Commercial participants in EUREKA projects can get half their costs paid by their national governments, while academic institutions can get up to 75 percent of their costs paid. The program has been earmarked to make use of 4000 person-years of effort each year, equivalent to EUR 6 billion (about $8.8 billion) for the extended program.

Key technology goals contained within the program include maintaining and increasing Europe's strength in intellectual property across the entire electronics supply chain, as well as sustaining and strengthening leadership in lithography and silicon-on-insulator materials and component packaging, and reinforcing European expertise in applying semiconductor process technology to efficient design for new electronics applications.

"Nanoelectronics will offer enormous opportunities to those who are the first to master and bring to market new technologies and applications and we believe that CATRENE will play a vital role in helping Europe's microelectronics industry to go from strength to strength," Cornu said.

Nanotech in food presents a regulatory challenge in Europe

Small Times

The growing use of nanotechnology in food applications poses new challenges for both science and regulation in Europe's food and nutrition market, an industry expert said.

EAS-Italy nutritional product regulatory affairs manager Stefanie Geiser said that as the nanotechnology market continues to grow, regulators and scientists are actively working to find regulatory and risk assessment models to embrace its research and safety aspects.

The first nano-food contact material (a silicon dioxide coating) has already been approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) this year, and a second, titanium nitride, is under review. However, EFSA has said that it will not be able to meet the European Commission's mandate for a complete generic risk assessment of nanotechnology by March 31, 2008 because of the vast range of existing nanomaterials with completely divergent physical/chemical properties and safety profiles.

Instead, EFSA has proposed to issue only an initial scientific opinion by summer 2008, and now plans to set up a working group of 10 to 15 Member State scientific experts to analyze and build on already generated opinions by EU scientific advisory bodies and third countries.

A first discussion on this working strategy for nanotechnology will be held by the EFSA Scientific Committee November 19 - 20, 2007. Discussions will further be followed up at the Brussels EFSA Scientific Forum event November 20 - 21.

"It will prove difficult to find a common risk assessment umbrella that can embrace the diversity of all current and future nanomaterial food applications," Geiser said in a podcast interview. "The Commission is therefore actively involved in finding ways of integrating nanotechnology as far as possible into already existing EU regulatory frameworks. Nanotechnology aspects have recently been included in the Commission's proposals for a revision of the EU Novel foods Regulation and also the revision of the Food Additives and Enzymes Regulations."

Nanotech Northern Europe 2008

23-25 September 2008, Bella Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark

Nanotech Northern Europe brings together the field's top scientists and leading international companies in order to advance the beneficial use of nanotechnology. The 2008 event covers three application areas: Energy and Environment, ICT, and Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine. The conference will feature work ranging from the latest scientific breakthroughs to industrial uses of nanotechnology, whilst technology transfer sessions will offer opportunities for start-ups and universities to market their technologies. The exhibition will demonstrate developments in nanotechnology-based products, tools and other services.

For more information please visit

NanoTransfer 2007

The 3rd Nanotechnology Transfer Executive Summit in Europe
December 3-4, 2007 • Novotel Charenton, Paris
Co-located with ENS 2007

Who will attend:

  • Established companies interested in nanotechnology
  • Nanotechnology Start-ups
  • Investors and experts from areas supporting tech transfer
  • Technology Transfer and Licensing Offices
Registration now open

JPK translates BioSPM skills into sales success

James Tyrrell, editor of

JPK Instruments is one of Germany's leading nanotechnology companies, according to the firm's auditor Deloitte and thanks to a sales growth rate of over 970% during the past five years. A developer of scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) for biologists, JPK is now number two in Deloitte's "Technology Fast 50" life sciences segment.

Torsten Jähnke, chief technology officer of JPK and one of the company's founders, knows the firm's products inside out. He spoke to about what it takes to develop an SPM for biological applications.

"It is important to introduce new technology into biology as a turnkey solution," Jähnke said. "Operators do not necessarily have a background in instrumentation, which you may find in physics or engineering."

Sample handling is another factor to consider. "The workflow can be completely different to other fields," explained Jähnke. "Biologists often take the same sample, mostly in liquid, from one tool to the next to build up a complete profile of the structure." Against this backdrop, the SPM has evolved to fit in with the whole analysis process.

"You must create a tool that can be combined with other tools – today's BioSPMs are increasingly integrated with other techniques, such as Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy," said Jähnke. "Users want to measure the chemical properties of their sample and to combine the data with SPM and optical images at the same spot and at the same time."

For a company like JPK this means partnering with leading research labs and attending not just SPM events but a wide range of related workshops in other disciplines, like fluorescence and confocal microscopy. In-house, the firm has put together a multi-skilled team to develop its instruments. "I think part of our success is due to the fact that at JPK, biologists sit in the same room as the engineers," commented Jähnke.

SPMs have come a long way since their inception. Closed-loop scanning stages have all but eliminated the problems related to piezo creep and hysteresis, but one of the biggest developments in recent years has been in the software.

"The user interface has improved tremendously," said Jähnke. "Researchers can calibrate or auto-align the system with one click." Software is now responsible for controlling the temperature and humidity of the sample and it plays a major role in guiding the user through the instrument.

"Operators don't want a six month learning period when they switch to a new instrument," explained Jähnke. "Today, technicians can get to grips with the equipment very quickly and that is due to the software."

The Kayli Prize Nominations

Sponsored by The Kavli Prize from the Norwegian Academy of Science and
Letters, the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and the Kavli

The Kavli Prize has officially opened its inaugural call for nominations.
Honouring scientists for their seminal advances in astrophysics, nanoscience
and neuroscience, each of three major international awards includes US $1
million, with the final selection of prize recipients to be made by the
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The call for nominations will
remain open through December 15, 2007.

For more information, submissions, nominations and guidelines please visit:

Nanotechnology cleans up fouling

James Tyrrell, editor of

Europe is a world leader when it comes to the supply of marine antifouling coatings, grabbing 70% of a market worth more than $700million every year, but for how long? AMBIO is a €18million project sponsored by the European Commission, which aims to keep Europe at the forefront of the industry in the face of increased environmental legislation. caught up with Jim Callow, coordinator of the 31-partner consortium, at the University of Birmingham, UK, to find out some of the early success stories as AMBIO passes the halfway mark.

The situation today

Currently, biocide-containing paints are the mainstay of the industry. Applied to the hull of a ship, the coatings work well and tackle marine fouling by killing the offending organisms upon contact. The paints' constituents are permitted under the Biocidal Products Directive EC 98/8/CE, but there is restricted scope for innovation. The use of biocides is highly regulated, which makes it expensive to add new compounds to the list of allowed substances.

Biofouling experts, such as Jim Callow, believe that it is prudent for Europe to back a different approach. "You don't know what's around the corner," he told "The environmental situation may change and you need to have an alternative."

In fact, a second technology, known as a fouling-release coating, already exists. The silicone-based treatment works by minimizing the adhesion between the fouling organisms and the hull of the ship. As the vessel moves through the water, the creatures are simply washed off. It's an appealing idea, but the method has its drawbacks. Ships need to be travelling regularly at speeds of between 12 and 15knots for the coating to maintain a useful condition. The fragile nature of the silicone layer also poses another limitation, especially given the rigours of life at sea.

Nanostructured know-how

To preserve Europe's lead in the field, AMBIO's mission is to explore novel coating concepts for reducing biofouling in marine and freshwater environments. The focus is on nanoscale physico-chemical properties and the aim is to avoid the release of materials that are detrimental to aquatic life.

"Bioadhesion is determined within a few nanometers of the surface," said Callow. "If you can understand what's going on at the adhesive interface then you have the means to control the fouling."

To solve the problem, AMBIO has brought together partners from a wide range of disciplines: marine biology, surface and interface science, hydrodynamics, polymer chemistry and engineering, microbiology, and nanotechnology.

"We are looking at the relationship between the chemistry and the mechanical properties of the surface," explained Callow. "And it's not just about paints, we are also studying other techniques, such as physical vapour or electrochemical deposition."

One approach involves the electrodeposition of silanes on roughened titanium. You can multiply the benefits by rolling different treatments into a single solution. If you get the surface chemistry correct then fewer organisms attach in the first place. Select the right amount of texturing and more of the fouling is removed.

"The idea that cells respond to texture is not new, but the exact influence of the nanostructures is unknown," said Callow. "We want to come up with a set of design rules."

There is certainly no shortage of concepts on the table. Potential antifouling solutions range from polymer blends that segregate to give a mosaic surface, through to the use of nanoparticles that moderate surface rugosity.

With many of the ideas as yet unpatented, Callow is careful not to give too much away. Ultimately, he thinks that around eight or nine approaches will emerge as contenders for scale-up and further development. The top performers will be selected for field trials that mark the final stage of the five-year project.

Tipped for success

One of the leading contenders is a silicone-based fouling release coating developed by the University of Mons-Hainaut together with Nanocyl, a maker of carbon nanotubes. Both of the partners are located in Belgium.

"The coating is reinforced with carbon nanotubes, which also influence the surface topography," revealed Callow. "The challenge here is to get an even distribution of nanotubes in the silicone matrix."

Because the silicone has a tendency to wrap itself around the nanotube, the enhanced coating is much stronger and more robust than the original. Another benefit of adding carbon nanotubes is that the formulation becomes thixotropic, which gives the coating the characteristics of non-drip paint and makes it much easier to apply.

Making the grade

Conventionally, sample formulations are simply sent out to sea for testing. To speed up the process, AMBIO has come up with rapid adhesion assays for pre-selecting the strongest candidates. In one form of the test, the intrinsic properties of the new sample are captured by rastering a calibrated water jet over a glass slide that has been coated with the formulation and exposed to a test organism. The researchers can vary the shear force exerted by the jet to mimic the conditions at sea. Fluorescence measurements before and after reveal the success of the treatment in aiding the removal of creatures from the test surface.

Callow and his team have examined thousands of slides. Thanks to the rapid assay, the group has been able to narrow down the list of contenders from more than 80 to around 12.

Uncovering the secrets of fouling

Another innovation is the use of a holographic microscope. The apparatus works by reconstructing hundreds of sequential holograms to give an extended depth of field, which makes the technique ideal for observing samples under fluid. "It enables us to track individual particles in real-time as they approach the surface," explained Callow. "You can pick out the characteristic settling paths of individual cells that relate to fouling."

Plotted in 3D, the various swimming patterns are striking and offer a fouling signature that may prove invaluable in the development of new coatings. If researchers can come up with a structure that disrupts the organism's characteristic movements then it should make it much harder for spores to explore and ultimately foul the surface.

AMBIO facts
Number of partners: 31 (10 universities, 15 companies and 6 research institutes)
Start date: March 2005
Duration: 5 years
Funding: €11.9 million (EC) + €6 
million (industry).

The Second Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies, Conference and Exhibition, 28-29 November 2007

Location: The Royal College of Surgeons of England, London

Institute of Nanotechnology

This year the event has become more interesting with high profile Keynote speakers, interesting technologies from small companies and a drinks reception followed by a public debate in the evening to discuss and debate with the public on nanomedicine and its applications.

Register now: . Don’t miss the opportunity to network with the European Nanomedicine Community.

Key speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. J.W. Hans Hofstraat, Vice President, Healthcare Strategic Partnerships, Philips Research
  • Dr Thomas Keller, Director - Worldwide Applied Technology, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Prof. Clive Washington, Principal Scientist, Astra Zeneca
  • Dr. Renzo Tomellini, Head of Nanotechnology Unit, European Commission
  • Robert Jelski, Sector Partner, 3i
  • David Holbrook ,MTI Partners Limited
  • Prof. Amarnath Maitra, University of Delhi
  • Prof. Jörg Vienken, Vice-President BioScience Department, Fresenius Medical Care
  • Dr Ogan Gurel, Chairman, Aesis Research Group, US

Public Debate: Nanomedicine… hype? Or a real revolution in healthcare?
1800 - 2000 hrs, Wednesday, 28th November 2007

Panel Members:

  • Dr Doug Naysmith MP, MP for Bristol North-West
  • Dr Leonard Fass , Director of Academic Relations, GE Healthcare
  • Dr. Evdokia Korakianiti, Scientific Administrator, Pre-Authorisation Unit for Human Medicines, European Medicines Agency (EMEA).
  • Michael Lussier, MD Volcano Inc and CEO Medpole SA.

Chair: Geoff Watts, BBC, eminent writer and broadcaster on science and medicine. The presenter of the BBC Radio 4 ‘Leading Edge’ programme