Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Ensuring the EU Competes Effectively on the World Stage – New NanoForum Report Published

6th July 2007

Nanoforum today publishes its findings from its final nanotechnology commercilisation

workshops which took place in Düsseldorf, Germany on 21st June, 2007.

The report identifies barriers to the commercialisation of nanotechnology in Europe and

offers advice as to what measures could be put in place to remove such barriers so that

the benefits of new products and processes beneficial to society can be realised.

Many recommendations are made in this report to encourage the commercialisation of

nanotechnology in Europe and it is evident that this is desired as there is a huge potential

for application driven technology commercialisation. Key recommendations are

summarised in the report, however there is a desire for:

More application driven funding for nanotechnology

• Less fragmented networks and consolidation of efforts

• More training and communication activities

• Guidance on successfully implementing self-sustaining framework projects

There is also a desire to capitalise on FP6 and FP7 funding and what is suggested is that

Europe develops it own strategy with less emphasis on national strategies.

Del Stark, Chief Executive of the European Nanotechnology Trade Alliance and author

of the report said, “By acting on the recommendations offered in this report, European

policy makers will have the opportunity to implement strategies that will assist in

removing many barriers faced by organisations currently taking steps to commercialise

nanotechnology. Europe has the opportunity to commercialise its own nanotechnology

focused R&D and this incentive alone should act to galvanise the community.”

The full report can be download at

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